Sublime Text 開發 Golang 環境配置

Sublime Text Package 安裝


在margo.go 註解改用LSP gopls
 // &golang.Gocode{
 // // Whether or not to do gocode completion using source code
 // // instead of the pre-compiled package files.
 // // Using source is often slower but offer more up-to-date completions.
 // Source: true,

 // // show the function parameters. this can take up a lot of space
 // ShowFuncParams: true,

 // // whether or not to include Test*, Benchmark* and Example* functions in the auto-completion list
 // // gs: this replaces the `autocomplete_tests` setting
 // ProposeTests: false,

 // // whether or not builtin types and functions should be shown in the auto-completion list
 // // gs: this replaces the `autocomplete_builtins` setting
 // ProposeBuiltins: true,
 // },

 golangci-lint 啟用這些檢查

 &golang.Linter{Name: "golangci-lint", Args: []string{

 // 2019/10/29增加


LSP (gopls)

    "auto_show_diagnostics_panel": "never",
    "show_diagnostics_in_view_status": false,
    "log_server": false,
			"enabled": true


Gosublime停止更新,不支援sublime text 4

// Settings in here override those in "LSP/LSP.sublime-settings"
    "show_diagnostics_in_view_status": false,
            "enabled": true
    "lsp_format_on_save": true,
    "lsp_code_actions_on_save": {
        "source.fixAll": false, // 自動修復所有錯誤
        "source.organizeImports": true // 自動新增排序import套件



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